Monday, February 4, 2019

I Do NOT Like "The Cat in the Hat"

I am a big fan of Dr. Seuss—with the exception of “The Cat in the Hat” and “The Cat in the Hat Comes Back”. I do not like those books…at all. The fact that the cat comes marching into the house and takes over is creepy to me. And the fact that although Sally and her no-name brother just let it all kind of happen is disturbing. I mean, seriously, they need a fish to tell them to get rid of that no-good feline?
Call me crazy or whatever, but I just don’t like it. I do, however, think there is a valuable lesson parents need to learn from reading it (which you undoubtedly have). The lesson is this…
Your children need YOU to teach them how to say no AND what to say no to.
 I remember the “Just Say No!” slogan my kids were taught in middle-school about saying no to drugs. The DARE campaign, as it was called, however, was a huge flop. There isn’t a research report or any other form of evidence that shows kids who sat through the weekly talks from the friendly police officer were less likely to use drugs than anyone else.
I’m not the least bit surprised the program didn’t do what it was meant to do, and here’s why: it isn’t the school’s job to instill morals in our children. Schools are for academic education and mirroring good citizenship and character. Our children need to be able to trust their teachers and look up to them as people of integrity with sound morals but teaching your children what integrity and morals are…that’s YOUR job.
It is YOUR job to make sure your children know right from wrong and how to choose right over wrong. It is your job to teach your children what is and isn’t safe for them, who and what is dangerous, and how to steer clear of those things.
Society is quick to give children too much credit (responsibility) these days. Just because they’re tech-savvy when it comes to operating a phone, tablet, or computer, doesn’t mean they know the risks and dangers involved. Think: Facebook stalkers and sex trafficking. Children are children. Their brains aren’t mature enough to discern and process these things. Again…that’s YOUR job. YOU need to be the one to teach, protect, train, and guide them through their childhood and teenage years and on into adulthood.
In other words…
IT’S YOUR JOB TO MAKE SURE YOUR CHILDREN AREN’T DEPENDING ON A FISH (or friend, a television show, a book, a website, a video game, or even another adult) FOR GUIDANCE, PROTECTION, AND LOVE.

Momma D
                                   Copyright 2019 Darla Noble. No part of this can be used or copied without permission from the author.